Aktül Kağıt Management Systems Policy


Aktül Kağıt’s basic policy is to fulfill the requirements of the integrated management system and ensure the satisfaction of all our stakeholders while producing tissue paper products, which is our field of activity.

To this end;

We hereby commit and undertake

To set measurable targets in line with the purpose of all management systems, taking into account the good practices in the sector and in the world, and to regularly review the realization of these targets,

To continuously improve the performance of all processes and our management systems by effectively managing risks,

To carry out activities in accordance with the legal regulations, national and international standards in our area of ​​responsibility,

To provide the necessary resources for the realization of the goals and objectives,

By using natural resources efficiently in our activities, to protect the environment with a sustainable development perspective, preventing pollution, minimizing the amount of waste, evaluating recycling opportunities by following recycling methods, and disposing of non-recyclable wastes without harming the environment,

To comply with the regulations on occupational health and safety, to create a healthy and safe working environment, to believe that all kinds of work accidents and occupational diseases can be prevented, to manage all risks that may disrupt the health integrity of our employees and all relevant parties with a systematic and preventive approach by ensuring the participation of employees and employee representatives, ensuring continuous operation of the systems,

To use energy and natural resources efficiently in all of our processes, to continuously improve energy performance, to follow and implement prominent technological developments, to consider energy performance during the evaluation of purchasing and design activities,

To establish and implement human resources systems that serve employee happiness and loyalty, value their employees, provide continuous self-development opportunities and equal opportunities, and overlap with company strategy and values.